How to Root Wiko u316at (Wiko Goa) with a simple and easy method.
These are the steps for rooting the Wiko Goa smartphone (running Android 4.4) with the KingRoot App.
To begin the rooting procedure, your Android smartphone must have at least 20% battery power and internet connectivity.
These are the steps for rooting the Wiko Goa smartphone (running Android 4.4) with the KingRoot App.
To begin the rooting procedure, your Android smartphone must have at least 20% battery power and internet connectivity.
KingRoot App is used to root the Wiko Goa.
Open Settings > Security > Device Administration > Unknown Source > Enable it by tapping on the Checkbox.

Install the KingRoot App (APK) on your Android device.
When the installation is complete, the Kingroot icon will appear in the App Drawer. To open it, tap on the KingRoot Icon.

When you run the KingRoot App, you will get the following screen:

To begin the rooting procedure, press the Try to Root button.

Within a minute or two, you should see the Big Green Tick, which indicates that your smartphone has been successfully rooted.

Congratulations! Your smartphone has now been Rooted. You may check the root status with any Root Checker software from the Google Play Store.
#WikoGoa, #WikoU316at, #AndroidRooting, #KingRootApp, #APKInstallation, #BatteryPower, #InternetConnectivity, #SecuritySettings, #UnknownSources, #RootingProcedure, #TrytoRoot, #RootChecker, #howtorootwikou316at, #rootwikou316at, #wikou316atroot, #WikoGoaRoot,